Thursday, January 12, 2012

You Know There's Something Wrong with America...

I was initially tempted to intro this video by sharing interesting excerpts from the conversations my kids at school have been having about the election and the differences their parents see between the two primary parties. However, I don't want to associate anything we've done in the classroom with this ad. This may be the worst ad I've ever seen. Within half a minute he attacks gays and then turns around to talk about a liberal war on religion - suggesting a denial of rights. I'd love to see him pull another 0.7% in South Carolina. However, that would require our state getting something right.


  1. What could Rick Perry possibly be thinking to still be on the campaign trail? Brad Warthen (blogger) attended a campaign stop in Cola two days ago and Perry had less than 30 people attending. CNN had to break it's own well established rules to let Perry into the next debate - the rule requiring at least 7% in three legitimate polls. He's not even close to that.

    Check out this Daily Show on the storm happening in SC from the primaries.

    At least someone understands us here in SC.

  2. PS - Probably a good idea not to show this one to your second graders.

  3. I am sure you guys have seen the Ron Paul ad that hollers about vaporizing government agencies being the way that he rolls. Lots of yelling. I feel like I need to meditate a little after that ad. My brain swims. Tim, I agree that Jon and the Daily Show (and of course our native son Stephen) understand how SC works. I also tend to think that the negativity in these ads may also be reflective of some of the underlying redness of just being SC. All those other primary ads seem the same, though. Like, I'm pretty sure I have figured out all the necessary ingredients: 2 parts black screen, 2 parts white-font defamatory statements, 1 part sketchy floating/zooming in head shot of the other guy, and 1 part Carmina Burana Intro. I feel confident that with the right design software, I could make one. Chris, maybe you should make some about the things on your hate between readings this semester...just a thought.
