Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Dead Dog

On the way back from dinner tonight the kids and I dropped Tricia off at PetsMart to run in for a bag of dog food. As we started to circle the parking lot I noticed a young couple coming out of the store. Tears were streaming down the young girl’s cheeks as a red leash dangled from her right hand. There was no dog attached to the other end.

They made their way across the parking lot and he opened the door for her. After she climbed in her seat he leaned into the cab of the truck and pulled her into him. She rested her head on his shoulder and sobbed for a long, long while.

Part of me wished I hadn’t seen them yet I couldn’t look away. It isn’t often you see a moment so tender as this from the outside, unnoticed.

Finally the guy made his way over to the driver’s side and the two of them drove away. I wondered if they drove in silence, unsure what to say to one another. I imagined him reaching across the seat to hold her hand. Maybe he would be crying too.

1 comment:

  1. What a powerful image. What did the kids think? Pets are such an important part of our lives. I can't imagine what my life will be like without our big old yellow dog,

    When you are a writer there are stories everywhere.
