Thursday, July 25, 2013

Friday - Thursday, Hoover Dam/Las Vegas/Yosemite

We've had dead phones and/or no 4G for quite some time (which was not bad at all). I can only post pics taken from my phone, which were not that many.

The high Sierras in Yosemite are amazingly beautiful. We'll go back! Tricia and I talked about hiking the John Muir trail. Mayne for our 50th birthdays?

The kids climbed up to the snow and played in it. They also stripped down to their underwear and jumped in a snow-fed lake at 10,000 feet elevation. I did too. It was FREEZING!

Argh, now i can't seem to transfer most of my pics to Blogger. You'll just have to trust me that they were really very cool!


  1. Damn - that's a big dam! Cool to get a video on your blog. Show me how to do that! Hope you are all continuing to have fun.

  2. I'm loving being able to keep up with your trip. It seems like everyone is having a great time! And you're getting to experience and see some really awesome things. Thanks for keeping us updated!
